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Executives & Directors
President Elect
Immediate Past President
Rotary Foundation
Youth Exchange
Community Service
Community Service Co-Chair
Club Administration
Public Relations
Club Fellowship
Youth Services
Upcoming Events
STEM Yea Big Ticket Reverse Raffle
Indian Valley Country Club
Apr. 13, 2024
5:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m.
Community Mixer at Iron Gate
Iron Gate Biergarten
Apr. 17, 2024
6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
President Frantz's Update on Local Club News
Brookside Country Club
Apr. 24, 2024
5:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Board Meeting
May 01, 2024
5:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.
The New COLLECTIVE Biz, with Nicole-M & Jen-I !!
10 South Hanover
May 01, 2024
5:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.
Brookside Country Club
May 08, 2024
5:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Brookside Country Club
May 15, 2024
5:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Brookside Country Club
May 22, 2024
President Frantz's Update on Local Club News
Brookside Country Club
May 29, 2024
5:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Board Meeting
Brookside Country Club
Jun. 05, 2024
5:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.
View entire list
Birthdays & Anniversaries
Member Birthdays
Steven Smith
April 11
Ed Schumacher
April 19
Hank Saylor
April 24
Werner Koller
April 24
Nick Yannessa
April 26
Spouse Birthdays
Steven Smith
April 11
Stacey VanDruff
April 15
Jay Romero
April 17
Kelsey Gofus
April 17
Brady VanDruff
Stacey VanDruff
April 27
Join Date
Hank Saylor
April 1, 1967
57 years
Rick Albitz
April 1, 1979
45 years
Robin Smith
April 14, 2004
20 years
Brooke Martin
April 15, 2015
9 years
Richard Gray
April 27, 2016
8 years
Photo Albums
Duck Race 2019
This Week at Rotary - Community Mixer - April 17th


Calling All Business, Organizations, and People of Action!  Mark your calendars for April 17th!

Come hang out for a drink at the Iron Gate Biergarten for a social event with the community.  Mix and mingle with local businesses, community members and anyone who wants to learn more about what the Pottstown Rotary club is all back to our community and having fun.



Upcoming Meeting - April 24th - Club Business and Update
i have no idea what's going on and at this point I'm too afraid to ask -  Andy Dwyer - Too Afraid To Ask Meme GeneratorIs this you when it comes to what is going on in the club?  Well don't be afraid to ask.  Come out to our club business meeting and ask all the questions.
Come out and enjoy some time with your fellow Rotarians and get some updates on club business.  These could include... All the news! Reports from the Board, Committee info, Budget review, Classifications and re-classification talks, and the like.
Send in any questions you may have that you would like to have addressed.

Upcoming Event - Big Ticket Night - May 15th
Big Ticket night is on.   
This is one of the premier events on the Rotary calendar and we're set to go - Wednesday, May 15th.
For the new members of the club, the event is based around a reverse raffle - object is you want to be one of the lucky people holding one of the last 5 tickets.   
During the raffle we give away random cash prizes to numbers pulled.
You must purchase a ticket to attend, and the proceeds will benefit Strive. Tickets are $ 120 and include dinner and 2 drink tickets. $ 80 of the $ 120 ticket price is tax deductible as well. There will be $ 8, 300 in cash prizes given away!
We still have tickets available so please contact Mike Bright or Len Gieseler to get yours ASAP.

In Case You Missed It - April 3rd - Club Finances 
Here is a recap of the meeting and results:
Thank you to all who participated by offering nominations or coming out to participate in our Dot vote!
From a total of 28 qualifying organization, we selected 11 (tie for 10th) for donations.  The checks will be given to a Rotarian who made the nomination for delivery.  If you are listed for delivery bellow and will not be able to take that on, please let me know.  If you have a special relationship with one of these organizations and would like to be involved in the delivery, also, please let me know.
Meals on Wheels 
Jean Spotts
MISSION 22 Veterans Services
Deb Penrod
Mission First
Jean Spotts
Operation 143
Lauren McCloskey
Pottstown Area Vietnam Veteran’s of America Chapter 565
Frank Strunk
Pottstown Athletic Club
Enid Dunmire-Swinson
Pottstown YWCA
Patti Derr
Red Corner Benefit
David Morrison
Reflections of Turtle Island
Jerry Myers
The Foundation for Pottstown Education
Jenna Armato
TriCounty Active Adult Centre
Bryan Parkes

Community Needs
Community Needs
From time to time our fellow Rotarians find causes that are near and dear to their hearts and have a great impact on the community that require some giving of items or funds.  This section will house all of those things, from ongoing items to ones for a specific time frame. 
  • The Period Project with the Tri-County YWCA is ongoing. School has started again, and with it, the continuing need to provide feminine hygiene products for girls in Pottstown and the Pottsgroves. Girls who have to miss school because they cannot afford period products lose up to a week each month. Please consider making a monetary or in kind donation. Please reach out to Patti Derr if you have questions, and thank you for supporting equity in education.  Patti Derr at 610-850-4737 or Thank you for your generosity.
  • St. Paul's Diaper Bank is located at 927 N. Franklin St in Pottstown and it provides free diapers, wipes and other essentials to low income families in Pottstown. The Diaper Bank is open every Wednesday from 10am-12pm. We are seeing a dramatic increase in the number of families we serve each week and welcome donations of unopened childrens' diapers and pull-ups in any and every size, as well as wipes. We are the only Diaper Bank of its kind for the Pottstown community and we would like to expand our hours in order to help more families, but we can only do that with donations and community support.
    Rev. Lauren Cain, 215-360-6659
If you would like your cause included in this section please email the details to Richard Gray by noon on the Friday previous to the bulletin you would like it included in.  Include if it is ongoing, dates, brief description, contact info, website for additional info(if applicable), whatever you want included in the post.  



Our club is built on a foundation of community and fellowship. The strength of our bond provides us the power to serve our local community and those in need across the globe. 

We have multiple Membership options to fit your needs as a Pottstown Rotarian: 

Individual & Family- For Members who would like to be fully engaged and attend regular meetings.  Minimum cost per quarter:  $218.07

Service- For those who want to participate with a limited time and financial commitment.  Minimum cost per quarter:  $86.07

Corporate- For business owners with multiple club memberships and includes sponsorship recognition at one event.   Minimum cost per quarter:  $436.14

Come check us out to see if Rotary is right for you! To attend a meeting as our guest or for any membership questions, please reach out to Amira Heim (Membership Chair) at


Rotary Youth Exchange

Rotary clubs channel their commitment to service at home and abroad through five Avenues of Service, which are the foundation of club activity. Youth Service, one of the five, recognizes the importance of empowering youth through leadership development programs. Rotary Youth Exchange is one of many youth leadership development programs offered by Rotary and was started in 1920 by Rotary International. 

Daphne Lobet, our exchange student from Belgium, has headed back to her home after what has been a year full of great experiences, including her discovery of Chick-fil-A!  Thank you to all the Club members and host families who provided opportunities to her.
Do you know a student who you would like to see have this same growth experience?  Now is the time to talk with them and get them to talk with Lauren McCloskey or Mike McCarthy.  The world is open!


Upcoming Events
There are a lot of events happening this month and beyond.
Keep an eye on things occurring around Pottstown with a look at our Calendar.
Reminder - look often as things are always changing!

Club Information
Welcome to our Club!
Pottstown Rotary
Service Above Self
Wednesdays at 6:30 PM
Brookside Country Club
Prospect and Adams Streets
Pottstown, PA 19464
United States of America
Social hour from 5:30 PM to 6:30 PM
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District Site
Venue Map
Venue Map