Community Needs
From time to time our fellow Rotarians find causes that are near and dear to their hearts and have a great impact on the community that require some giving of items or funds.  This section will house all of those things, from ongoing items to ones for a specific time frame. 
  • The Period Project with the Tri-County YWCA is ongoing. School has started again, and with it, the continuing need to provide feminine hygiene products for girls in Pottstown and the Pottsgroves. Girls who have to miss school because they cannot afford period products lose up to a week each month. Please consider making a monetary or in kind donation. Please reach out to Patti Derr if you have questions, and thank you for supporting equity in education.  Patti Derr at 610-850-4737 or Thank you for your generosity.
  • St. Paul's Diaper Bank is located at 927 N. Franklin St in Pottstown and it provides free diapers, wipes and other essentials to low income families in Pottstown. The Diaper Bank is open every Wednesday from 10am-12pm. We are seeing a dramatic increase in the number of families we serve each week and welcome donations of unopened childrens' diapers and pull-ups in any and every size, as well as wipes. We are the only Diaper Bank of its kind for the Pottstown community and we would like to expand our hours in order to help more families, but we can only do that with donations and community support.
    Rev. Lauren Cain, 215-360-6659
If you would like your cause included in this section please email the details to Richard Gray by noon on the Friday previous to the bulletin you would like it included in.  Include if it is ongoing, dates, brief description, contact info, website for additional info(if applicable), whatever you want included in the post.