District 7430 Conference Agenda
1:00 PM Registration Opens
4:30 PM House of Friendship Open
5:30 PM Welcome Reception
6:30 PM Dinner and Evening Program
Introduction of VIPs
Introduction of Local District Governor Michael Thompson, District 7505
Introduction of District Governor Len Gieseler
Keynote Speaker - Rotary International Director Drew Kessler (Read his Biography here)
Hospitality Suites Open
Saturday morning
7:30 - 8:45 - Breakfast
8:00 - Registration Opens
9:00 - Welcome
Plenary Session #1a - Confessions of Growing Clubs
Plenary Session #1b - Our Service, Our Impact
Plenary Session #2a - Council on Legislation
Plenary Session #2b - Happy Members, Happy Clubs
Four-Way Test Speech Contest Finals
Saturday Afternoon
House of Friendship Opens
Local Service Project - Environmental project with District 7505
Saturday Evening
5:00 - Major Donor Reception (by invite only)
5:30 - Governor’s Reception
6:30 - Dinner and Evening Program
Parade of Governors
Parade of Flags by Exchange Students
Keynote Speaker - Miriam Horrocks-Isenberg (Read her Biography here)
Hospitality Suites Open
Sunday Morning
7:30 - 8:45 - Breakfast
9:00 - Memorial Service
District Governor Awards & Closing Remarks
2024 District Conference Presentation
2023 District Conference Photo CelebrationDetails:
Registration opens at 1:00 on Friday
The next activity is a cash bar from 5:30 until 6:15. The cash bar for both days starts out in two locations, the hallway outside the meeting rooms and also in the House of Friendship. After the meal begins, both bars will move to the dining area. The meeting rooms/ dining rooms are Salons 3 & 4 on the 4th floor of the North Tower. The House of Friendship is on the 3rd floor of the North Tower and there are escalators connecting the two floors (and elevators are nearby).
Friday Night Dinner is from 6:30 until 9:00 and this includes Drew Kessler as the main speaker. There are a lot of things on the agenda during dinner, but we won't go into those details here. Dress code for Friday night dinner is “Come As Your Favorite James Bond Character” . So basically the dress code is wide open and you can come in a lab coat if you wish, a tux, a bathing suit, etc.
After dinner the 3 Hospitality Suites will officially open (we don’t control when they are unofficially open and some of them will be open prior to dinner, it is up to the individual Hospitality Room). When they close is also up to them. The Pottstown Hospitality room is surrounded by only members of the Rotary Club of Pottstown so that we don’t get shut down due to noise. So go to there when the others shut down. A long tradition is to go and visit each of the Hospitality Rooms sometime during the weekend.
Saturday Morning breakfast is in Salons 1 &2 which are next to Salons 3 &4 - ie the Ballroom. It is a seated breakfast and you are served as you arrive. Breakfast is from 7:30 to 8:45.
For those arriving on Saturday, the Registration desk will be open as soon as we get some breakfast in us and will remain open until almost noon. We will leave instructions on how to get your registration packet if you arrive when the desk is closed. Most people will call me at 610 223-8504 if the registration desk is closed.
The Saturday program starts at 9:00 in Salons 3&4 and runs until 12:15. There are no splinter sessions, so all meetings will be as one large group. The programs for Saturday are posted above.
Saturday afternoon is open but there are some organized activities that will start at 1:15. These will be posted at the House of Friendship. Don’t be late because these all are outside of the Tropicana and they are escorted activities. Everyone will be back by about 3:30. Otherwise the afternoon is open. There is an outlet mall within walking distance and of course there is the Atlantic City Boardwalk. Lunch is not included but there are many restaurants in Tropicana and nearby. If you crave a banana split that is gigantic but only has one banana but is served over a brownie, then you got to try "the Titanic" at Carmine’s but it is over $32 and feeds a lot of people.
There may be some Hospitality Suites open on Saturday afternoon, but those hours are unregulated and up to the individual club or clubs.
There is a Major Donor event at 5:00 but it is invitation only and you will know if you are invited via the registration packet.
5:30 to 6:30 is the Governor’s Reception and is at the same location as Friday’s cash bar. The Governor’s Reception is a cash bar but there will be some snacks provided, as is the tradition.
Saturday Dinner is “Glitz and Glamour” and runs from 6:30 until 9:30. The keynote speaker is Miriam Horrocks-Issenberg (who’s husband was in the cockpit of the plane that collided with World Trade Center Tower 2). Again, read her
bio above for details. Saturday Night dinner is always a big event at a District Conference and this will certainly be a highlight.
After dinner the Hospitality Suites open again
Sunday breakfast is back in Salons 1 & 2 from 7:30 to 8:45 and is the same format as Saturday’s breakfast
The Sunday meetings start at 9:00 with a Memorial Service for all those Rotarians in the District who have past since the last District Conference. This is followed by the Closing Ceremonies. It will wrap out sometime between 10:00 and 10:30.
The House of Friendship is open during the day whenever we are not holding meetings. They will be setting up Friday afternoon and will be open until almost dinner time. When the bar moves during dinner, they will probably lock the doors to the House of Friendship. This is essentially the same for Saturday in that the doors will be unlocked sometime in the early morning and will be locked when the bar moves to the dinning room. Most tables will not be staffed while the meetings are on-going.